Thursday, March 31, 2005

I started looking into Study Abroad programs today, lots of information. I am excited! ...and very tired, I dont do well on 3.5 hours of sleep.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

I woke up this morning with a splitting headache. You know, the kind where the spot in the very center of your brain wants to reach out and touch every other place in your head but just can't.

I just wanted to share that thought with you, me, whoever reads this.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Write something about Perseverance.
Need to write something on Perseverance.
I want to write something about Perseverance,
about fighting complacency.
About the fight between what is momentary
and what is forever.
What I want my life to mean,

The epitaph question is so cliche.
Relationships not things and accomplishments.
People not prizes,
thats what makes the difference.
My kids, my friends, wife, family, my enemies.
Thats what matters.
My God that's what.

More on that later.
Its funny that on my music playlist the song Everything in its right place by Radiohead is sorted out of order.

Monday, March 14, 2005

The day is Monday, March 14th. It is the first official day of spring break! Although for me, I have technically been on break since Thursday afternoon! Its great! Though unfortunatley I am spending the week in the Omaha/Lincoln area, just relaxing and spending time with pals...exactley what I need. I worked tonight, but actually got sent home because I haven't taken my labret piercing out. Which hasn't really been a big deal up until this point AND my supervisor didn't seem to have the courage to come tell me himself, so he sent his assistand manager, I thought that was silly, but oh well no skin off my nose I got to go home 2 hours early.

I will be going to Minneapolis, MN. friday afternoon. Afternoon? I here you ask. Yes, working for the airline has its perks and I intend to fly up friday morning and fly home friday evening and either spend the day at Mall of America or in Downtown Minneapolis. Either way it will be an adventure, hopefully Mike or John or Jeff will join me up there.

Tommorow I am going to the funeral of "Grandma Dee" not a biological grandmother, but a honorary grandma none-the-less, more accurately I would say I was her honorary and my brothers. She was our next door neighbor in my old neighbor and I have loads of great memories of her and her house. God bless her.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

I just finished Fight Club in its original format(well, the novel. It was a short story before that but...details) and whewph! I think that the movie did an excellent job. It was sort of an expounded and abridged version of the Chuck Palahniuk(author) book, by David Fincher(director.) The book just has some extra little details and notes that make the story even better. The film fills with visuals that just cant be catered to in word form. The book, the film, the story would be one of the most mind trippiest works I've ever experienced. Also on that list: The Matrix and Primal Fear. Funny part is that Edward Norton was in all three.

No? He wasn't? You're right. But just imagine if he had played Neo in The Matrix...imagine it.

Now that I think about it also on that list would be: Requiem for a Dream, Snatch and Mulholland Dr.

Fight Club is a story about anarchy, about sacrifice about life. It is a story about death, it is a love story. Fight Club is a story about soap. A story about Change, revolution, anarchy(which is in and of itself a flawed concept - but thats for later) But above all, Fight Club is a story about soap.

To the un-believers or detractors from the thought of Fight Club the musical(if this is the first you're hearing about it check out this website) I think the beauty of the concept of the musical can be summed up in this line;

"Tyler sold his soap to department stores at $20 a bar. Lord knows what they charged. It was beautiful. We were selling rich women their own fat asses back to them."

Try to think for a moment of a more elitest group than those who regularly attend a broadway performance. The only group that I can maybe think of is the 500 Club, and they are fairly likely to be in the same company as those who attend shows regularly.

I think its brilliant. All of it. We'll wait and see.

~But in the end I don't think that anarchy will prevail. Only so much can be gained through violence and power. Power must be given, in order to be obtained. "A gentle answer..." The revolution of non-violence of peace, will be a long lived one. A hard battle to obtain in this callous, war riddled society of greed and capitalism. I dunno. ~ I'm out.