Sunday, October 28, 2007

We'll see where this goes.

I have this awkward disposition toward believing that all humans are intrinsically valuable, and should have the inalienable right to remain alive.

Just some thoughts I've been struggling through lately. I am reading this book by E. Stanley Jones called; Christ's Alternative to Communism. He is a christian author and the book was written in 1935, at the height of the rise of communism in the east. It's crazy to think about what this world would be like if they had won, if we had lost. But would it be?

Jones says; "For our chief world-sickness is this, we are trying to respond to world unity while our economic life is based on competition."

Competition/Correspondence or cooperation. The thing that tears at me here is two systems who are in apparent conflict with each other. The system, in which we live, society or the other, system or "realm" God's system.

I think God's system says "others first" and our world's system says, "me first." Where's the rub? What is the relation of the two? What are we called to? If we are called to be "in the world but not of the world", and yet we continue to live just like the world does, what does that make us?

Ghandi once said; "If Christian's truly knew the gift they had received in Jesus they would crawl around the world on their hands and knees in order to share that gift with others."

E. Stanley Jones said; "Neccesities should be provided for all, before luxuries are provided for any."

What are we called to? What is our response to the lack in the world around us? What is my response to the lack in my own heart?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

other things I love about chicago

I dont know if it was the rain, the band or the chicago jazz symphony but I got the chills at least four times while standing in the rain at Millenium park listening to the Decemberists play with the Chicago Jazz Orchestra. Absolutley amazing.

Seventy or so bikers, Approximately 35 miles an hour, a 9/10 mile track that ran right in front of my apartment. So there was a professional bike race today. Mens and Womens divisions about 7 races in all, ending in the pro certified mens race, which pitted about 70 men and their 12-14 pound machines against each other. It was pretty incredible. I smiled alot, alot and I think I almost cried at one point just cause I was so happy. I only wish someone had been here to experience it with me.....sigh....

Sunday, March 11, 2007

So its been along time since I've done this, so I am gonna skip all of the introductory chit-chat since as we all know I am relatively awkward at small talk anyway. (Or if you didn't now you do and next time you see me or talk to me you can make fun of me for it.)

Life is insane! This is a statement that I will stand by. I don't know when I last sent out one of these big and crazy update emails but alot of stuff has probably happened since then. So we'll skip all of that and move into whats going on now and whats coming up.

First of all, it is Spring Break, Spring Break of my senior year in college. This is nuts! Eight weeks from now I'll be an alumnus with a piece of paper. What does that mean? I feel like this is the end of the human canon and we all wait and watch and hope I can fly. I have a better metaphor something along the lines of child-birth, but I don't want to weird anyone out. (Use your imagination.)

I have been working hard, along with about a 25 person cast and crew (who have all been most phenomenal!) on finishing my senior thesis film, Off Broadway. I am very excited to see it come to completion and hope that you all will come out to see it. Mark your calendars the premier will be toward the end of April here in Lincoln. I'll let you know as we get closer.

This coming week I am going with 6 other senior film majors to LA, we will be going with a professor of ours who has connections there. We will be touring a few of the studio lots out there as well as meeting many producers, directors and writers. We will be visiting the Deadwood set and will be on set for a partial day's shooting of the show Grey's Anatomy (you may have heard of it....I've not seen a full episode.) I am obviously very excited about this. I'll get back to you guys with how this all goes.

Plans? The future? The ever popular question right now. And, I don't know. I kind of think that I have the rest of my life to do whatever it is that I am going to do for the rest of my life, so whats the rush (sorry if you've heard me say that a million or a half times.) I am applying for a few different internships both in LA and in Portland, OR. Interesting? Yes, we'll see. I'll let you know. There is also the possibility of my being involved on a documentary in Kenya, Africa. Crazy. I know.

So to an extent, there's alot going on, and amidst all that school, oh yeah, did I mention that I am an RA. Are there only 24 hours in a day?

I have been enjoying writing alot lately. I will actually be graduating with a minor in english. So I've been doing quite a bit of lately. So I have a small (and growing) collection of scripts and short stories. If you ever want to read anything, well, lets talk.

Sorry its been so long. Sorry this email is so impersonal. I hate that about electronic communication (it takes the heart out of it.) I would love to sit down and talk with all of you at some point. Feel free to shoot me an email, I always love that. Or call with a time that you'd like to do coffee.

peace and love and so on!
