Friday, April 16, 2004

Tipping the scales

So, hey, its been awhile since I last scribbled on this page and I just wanted to catch the few of you who actually read this thing to stay up to date and also I find that writing about what has been going on helps me to process it better.

So, 3 weeks ago I started working on a show called Pterodactyls, I was the light board operator and I worked on that show till the end of its run a week later.
The next day I started working another show(Guys and Dolls) as the Mic Wrangler(Yeehaa!) and I worked on that set till its close on saturday night, a week ago(the day before Easter.)

So yeah, those two weeks were crazy busy, too little sleep and too many theatre folk, but in the end it was a fun and educational experience.

Then this past week has also been fairly busy as well. But for different reasons. I have a number of school projects due in this last leg of school and I have been scurrying to finish up with those. I have also been able to attend a few different theatrical productions this week with a very good friend :-) I went and saw the show that my roomie is in called "The White Rose." It is about 5 German students who authored a anti-nazi propoganda paper and the Reich's reaction to that. It is a powerful story.

I was also able to go see "Boys Next Door" last night and it was very enjoyable. Its a story about a mentally handicapped group apartment with 4 boys, their caretaker and their other compadres. It was very touching, I loved it!

Other than that, and a little bit out of order, I was able to be home with the family for Easter and that was lots of fun. I love being home with the fam, it makes me smile everytime.

Well thats about it, I will try to keep updated as new things arise, but as you can see my life is fairly uneventful and I put things off, so it will probably be another month or so till I post again. Feel free to dial me up on the telly.



p.s.- OH YEAH! in regards to the title, I weighed myself today and clocked myself at 199.5pounds. This struck me with two realizations. The first was "wow, I probably haven't been this side of 200 since my freshman year of high-school." The other thought was "Man I really shouldnt be this light, not saying I am a stick(and I am definatly not sick either-Mom, I am taking good care of myself!- I just thought that was kind of cool and its also kind of cool cause my target weight is 205 and now I have about 5 pounds that I can splurge on. BRING ON THE BEN AND JERRY'S!!!!

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