Saturday, November 06, 2004

"Where is my mind?"
--(Where is my mind?, The Pixies)

"Why is Superman dead?...Doesn't anybody ever know that the world's a subway?"
--(Superman's Dead, Our Lady Peace.)

"Revolution is just a word. That loses more each time it's heard. Won't mean a thing until it hurts. Is anyone out there?"
--(This Love, Stavesacre)

"Without a revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement."
--(Lenin, not a song)

"Everyone thinks of changing humanity and no one thinks of changing himself."
--(Leo Tolstoy, also not a song)

Ivan - "What do you see as the difference between "art" and "entertainment?"...
Dan - "Art is what occurs when something's whole becomes more than the total sum of its individual parts."
Matt - "Perhaps, "art" is expression while "entertainment" is manipulation."

Ivan - "...Charlie Kaufman?...The Village? I mean, M. Night?"

"I don't want to die without any scars."
--(Tyler Durden, Fight Club)

I dont want to die without any scars.

"Well whatever, nevermind."
--(Smells Like Teen Spirit, Nirvana)

Check out this link.

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