Tuesday, December 14, 2004

You can't imagine the week I've had.

My heart aches, breaks and elates.

This past weekend we closed the show that I've been working on for the past month and a half. It was a great success and I am proud and it is over. Amidst the joys and frustrations of a show my head is lost in feelings.

This past weekend a very close friend's girlfriend broke up with him. He is heartbroken. I ache.

I caught news that one of the most foundational men in my life was caught in an affair with a 17 year old. I cry for him, for his family. I love him and his family.

I just heard news of two separate engagements. Two of my good friends(one here in Lincoln, one in Romania) just got engaged to be married. Both weddings set for next August. My heart leaps for joy.

This past weekend the girl I like, that I loved told me that I am everything she has ever looked for in a guy but something just isnt right. My heart breaks, again.

I have so many projects and tests and things to do that I barely have time to "deal" with any of these feelings.

At times like these I feel that I run out of emotions to give, to have. As an artist, as a person I feel the need to feel. I feel empty. Run out of any emotion. I feel no motivation. Yet still I push forward cause I am sure that there is something else out there. Something of value. Something to run for.


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