Saturday, April 02, 2005

Society of Respect...?

So this is gonna be pretty rough. Its been awhile since Ive laid out my thoughts like this so forgive me also, forgive me if I offend you. PLEASE respond with your comments, its the only way we can all learn.


A few weeks ago I got an idea for a story to tell that would've basically been about a high-school age guy, who was very well immersed in the popular culture of his school. He does decently in school, participates in after school sports and goes to plenty of parties. Along the way he would've become involved in a couple of people lives in ways that most of us do not experience. And in the end he would have learned from the error of his ways and hopefully found some form of resolution and change in his life. (especially in all of its vagueries---vagueries? Not a word.)

Ok, so maybe not the best story (especially in all of its vagueries---vagueries? Not a word.) But more important than the story was the thing that I was trying to make plain. As a working title for the story I was thinking along the lines of "What it is and why it shouldnt be." Confused? Basically I was going to attempt to gang tackle next to all of the problems surrounding sex culture in out society(allow me to be blatant.) So as I continued to work this through in my head and as I talked to friends (not about the story, but about events - their lives, my life) I realized that what I was attempting to do was so much bigger than I could capture in the moment on paper. I was struck by this idea of respect and how deficient our society is of this capstone.


I really think we have. We've created a cycle in our society that doubles back on itself for its problems and confusions. Please, ride this out here, I am not pointing fingers except to all of us. We live in a society where females have been completely and utterly objectified by males. Think about it. I'm not even going to site the crippling rise in porn sales. I am not going to look at MTV and their wiles. I am not going to peer at the music industry as it stands and lay the blame. Lets look. Sex is everywhere these days. Everywhere! If you dont believe me take a look through the sunday morning ads. When toilet bowl cleaners are being sold by a revealingly dressed woman. Men objectify women, and women allow themselves to be objectified...its not that easy but you get the idea.

In a world without valour and honour
Princesses fall for Ogres and
become hags when they lose their Dreams.

Be a knight of shining armour
a knight who'll fight the good fight
and slay the dragon to win his princess.

Demand and dream to be a princess
A princess who deserves not a king
but a knight who'll sweep you off your feet.

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