Monday, October 24, 2005

Why can't life be more like a Kevin Smith film? I think life might be better as a Kevin Smith film. beneath all the shit there is hope. "One year later..." -Chasing Amy

Why are nights so difficult? Why is it dark out when its cold? Why is it that I can smile through the pain? Monday morning starts in a couple hours. Thats a new start. eh?

"Iam sorry Alyssa....wherever you are." -Chasing Amy(the comic book)

I don't even know an Alyssa!


Anonymous said...

Dawn Eden's Blog On: Those Bloomy-bash Web sites byte back
One week after reporting Scott Sala's question for liberal bloggers who are soft on Mayor ... The infrastructure for reaching New Yorkers in this city is outdated and completely out of touch with how people communicate and connect with other people in the city," she writes.
Visit to read the first chapter of one of the most exciting books to be published in a long time.

Anonymous said...

those are some really odd blog comments... in other news, you do know an alyssa, she's in our ballet class and lives at the bottom of the stairs ~ the ivo