Saturday, June 03, 2006

"Weddings make women beautiful."
-Observation from Andrew and Melanie Hrivnaks' wedding.

Ok, this isn't some sort of observation coming from my brain with anyselfish goal in mind. This was simply an observation that I made that I think lines up with the character, personality and wiring of women. The bride. Beautiful, innocent, pure. The white dress. This is every young girls childhood dream. Girls spend their early childhood playing "wedding," they wait for their "knight in shining armour" for this day. The day when they can feel secure in his arms.

To Andrew and Melanie, I love you guys alot. I stand behind you and will be there for you. The wedding was great. Interesting for me as it was now the wedding of a close friend. Odd? yes. Happy? yes. Jealous? ...maybe, but she's out there somewhere and I feel it is written on a young man's heart to go out and find her.



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