Saturday, July 22, 2006

They say that when enough force acts on a body that body is prone to crack.

I started Physical Therapy today and they told me that I should be able to walk again, on my own by August 3rd. 13 days. I'll be the first to tell you that I am excited. After 10 weeks on crutches I am ready to walk away...literally. My only question is, why couldnt I be off the crutches 6 days earlier so that I could walk down the aisle at my brother's wedding on my own volition. Hey, crutching down the aisle is classy right? Right? sigh....

School starts again 3 weeks after the wedding, I am whole heartedly looking forward to that. To take my mind off this summer, definitely unless someone disagrees, a summer to forget. This fall I'll be living in a small, on campus apartment sort of a deal. It should be alot of fun, my roomates....pretty much the coolest cats around. I'll also be a senior. Woo Woo! Soon to face the harsh realities of "real life" outside the protective confines of the academic setting. Bring it on. This year will pretty much focus on my double minor - Creative Writing and Film Studies, as well as finishing my major - Film Production - namely my thesis film. I THINK that I have my script picked out and if this is in fact that one I end up shooting, it should be alot of fun. It is called "Off Broadway," I'd call it a clever comedy. But then again, I wrote it, talk about biased media. I am currently working on adapting it from its current format as a stageplay into a screenplay. Does anyone have a music copyright connection with Thom Yorke and Radiohead? I will also be looking to fund this shoot as I want to shoot in High Definition or on Film, so...if you are, or know anyone who is interested in launch a current student artist...please let me know. I am ready to talk. ;-)

Other than that, yeah, I guess there's not alot. It's been kind of a slow moment in my life. I guess, thinking about it, that would probably be the theme of the summer - slowing down. Biking through Oregon at 10mph, now crutching through life at .... real slow, Ok. The beauty of patience comes to mind. Patience and simplicity.

Out on the road my brother and I carried everything we needed with us in small trailers attached to our bikes. It was awesome. You don't get a sense of needing more, when you have everything that you need. I had two jerseys, two matching jerseys - so there weren't the options of what to wear? We carried our tents with us and if it were lulled to sleep by the delicate percussion of the falling rain. The first thing that I noticed upon getting back home (with injury) is that life here travels so amazingly fast. "Break neck" fast. Nate and I often, noted how nice, friendly and helpful people in small towns were and how nice the slower pace of life would be.

Technology has turned us into a culture of consumers hungry to consume NOW NOW NOW!!! I don't think that this is a healthy outlook. The technology that is supposed to "draw us closer to one another." I would say has given us the proper means by which to canyon ourselves off from the rest of the world. Technology is, just cold and impersonable, and yet I can get online and learn more about them on their myspace page than I might learn in-person. It isn't any wonder to me that the "upper-class" are often less happy with life than those who don't have as much. Everything that we own somehow ends up owning us.

I don't exactely know at what point this turned from being a brief thought to somewhat of a rant, but it concerns me to think of the repercussions if we continue to live at the level of affluence that we do. It scares me when Stephen Hawking poses the question; "In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?" WOW. I dunno, I am not going to claim to have all (or any) of the answers. But I think that a slower paced and more patient world would be for the better.

Here we go, have a great night.



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