Saturday, February 16, 2008

Beards are "in." The day of the clean-shaven slacker are over. I just got back from seeing Iron and Wine so you know why I think so. I am pretty convinced that Singer/Songwriter Sam Beam has a few birdies nested in there. And they're happy about it too, with his laid-back/friendly demeanor those speckle-throated swallows couldn't be happier. It sure beats that dump up there on the tree branch thats for sure, and warmer too.

Thats the thing about Iron and Wine, you know through his lyrics that he's seen his share of hard times. You get the feeling that he understands, and yet through his sweet, un-wavering voice you just get this sense that it's gonna be ok. You know, I have to think that it will be.

I walked out feeling as though I'd just gotten a nice massage, relaxed, mellow, ready to take on just about anything. At this point however, sleep seems to be the best option, I am prepared.


mcap said...

Great!! I just sent you a great comment, and it came back saying it could not be delivered/done/sent/whatever!!!! I guess THEY even thought my weird sense of humor (which included 89.5% of my "comment") was too weird to blog!! Hope I get the time later to do it again. But if you get this one, why is that?

mcap said...

oh, also, i'm having a bad day; just ordered something for someone in my family whose birthday is coming up real soon (won't mention any names cuz SHE'S probably gonna read this:), but anyways, lo' and behold, after it was too late, i realized I had ordered the item from the United Kingdom!! so we're getting debited in "pounds" not dollars, which unfortunately is gonna cost us more!! So please pray with all your mite that they will honor my request to cancel this order?????????? Just sharing this cuz i'm sure you've done some stupid things in your life too and can commiserate with me? I think I'll start a website for "stupid things people have done" but it will have to be G-rated of course. Or better yet, I will write my own book " Stupid Things I Have Done" and then the book will make so much money it will outweigh the stupid stuff I've ever done. Or i could call it "Don't Sweat the Stupid Stuff!" Well, GIVE a good day (as my dad always said.........) Can you tell I may have drank too much coffee today? Ever done that? ha love ya bro'