Monday, May 05, 2008

Here are some sites that I really like and frequent on a semi-regular basis. - "Bansky" is a "street artist" and by that I mean graffiti artist (see also - the more famous or "in-famous" artist) One of his indoor pieces is my current desktop picture at work....I call it "terrorists for love" but I dont know the real title.

Also, Cyanide and Happiness ( It is admittedly, drier and more cynical, and would probably not be considered "for everyone." (I actually had to look for a bit before I chose one of their comics I felt appropriate to share as the first on the link.

The obvious and aforementioned Stuff White People Like

Also, stumbled across this one ( couple days ago in searching for Charles Darwin's last words - "I am not the least afraid to die." and thought the list was pretty interesting.

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