Monday, March 02, 2009

A conversation -

Al Harrell says: So tell me why then does the Scriptures talk of the wonder of the individual in community. Jesus talks about transforming and empowering the individual. Seems like you lean toward the socialist.

Al Harrell says: Have you read Huxley's 1984 recently?

matthewharrell says: No, Ive started reading it three times.

matthewharrell says: Had it stolen once, lost once.

matthewharrell says: The individual in community - It's a celebration of both

matthewharrell says: Neither without the other.

matthewharrell says: Looking back on the idealistic pendulum swing it is the mid-point between your generation's ideals.

matthewharrell says: The boomers started communes, community, free love, woooo etc...

matthewharrell says: Realized the lack that was there, or perhaps that it could be exploited and that if it wasn't properly tended it couldn't sustain itself.

matthewharrell says: So the pendulum swung back, to what has been emerging in recent decades virulent individualism.

matthewharrell says: Resulting, most visibliy, in the sky-rocketing rate of divorce (and "a decline in morals")

matthewharrell says: Where's the middle ground? Whats what we need be looking for.

matthewharrell says: Where is communism that can sustain itself, and motivate individuals as opposed to squash and oppress them?

matthewharrell says: Where is capitalism that doesnt raise one above the other?

matthewharrell says: To an extent, I think that what my generation seeks is the balance between the ideological battle of your generation.

matthewharrell says: But, its almost 430 and I am going to make my exit

Al Harrell says: Peace

matthewharrell says: I'll stop playing mail-room politico

matthewharrell says: Peace

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