Wednesday, June 11, 2003


To the girl who looked at me and smiled as I passed you in my car on the interstate the other day,

What happened to what we had? So innocent, so beautiful, so true. The way you looked at me made my heart flutter in my chest. The way that the wind flowed gently through your silky hair, took my breath away. What happened to what we had? The walks we spent together I was sure that I would fly away, I was sure that I would wake up from my dream, but I never seemed to. The way I could stare into your gorgeous-eyes for hours and feel like only a moment had elapsed. What went wrong?

Was it something I said? Did I forget to call or did I seem pre-occupied? Did you lose interest? Did another “Mr. Right” come along? The long talks and walks that we shared; did they become mundane, the well-worn path? Was I just another guy in a long list of heartbreaks or was I just another space, a roll of the dice, in the game of life? Can I trust again or is it not worth the time or the heartbreak? Were you afraid of commitment? Am I?

If we see each other again on this cruel highway of life, please don’t wave, I wont look back. I don’t play those games.



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