Sunday, May 25, 2003

top ten components of a scary movie.

10) water
9 ) darkness
8 ) dirt
7 ) flashes of light
6 ) blood
5 ) screams and shreiks
4 ) obscure camera angles and SUPER EXTREME CLOSE-UPS
3 ) shadows
2 ) fire
1 ) Ridiculously cheesy plot

Just some thoughts I had today as I watched yet another preview for another horribly over done horror film about people dying and arms being lopped off and people flying about, in dark and rather shifty looking costumes, with knives and varying other misplaced limbs and grotesquery(sp?) Seriously folks, have you ever thought about how STUPID horror films are? In my oft-overstated opinion, horror films are hollywoods answer to the question of how gullible we are. Lets take for example a few of the most recent blunders.

The Ring. Finally a remake of the japanese horror film about a tape that kills people a week after they watch it. Now thats good drama.
Signs. Allright, I can't dis M. Night Shayamalan, but here we have a film about, a race of aliens who are allergic to water, that are trying to take over a planet that is comprised of 70% water. HMMMM.......(very well done I might add on the films behalf though)
Blair Witch Project. Need I say more? I mean, we never saw anything truly scary, like a ghost, zombie or even the obligatory chain-saw murder. NOTHING. If you ask me the scariest thing about the film, was the female characters most abrasive shreik. Horrible film, why did it get so much critical acclaim?

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