Friday, May 16, 2003

The ol' rock and roll concert is where it was tonight, yes sir it was. Thats where the fun was at. The show tonight was at this local place we like to call the ranch bowl. The line up included such heavy metal delights as Pariah, and Nodes of Ranvier (actually a suprisingly good band.) But the main course was Living Sacrifice, a band that has been with us for 13 years, and this was probably about my 13th time seeing them. They were making their "Farewell tour" across America, t'was a good show and good times. But I dont really want to focus on the music, or the bands, or even the sound guy in the back. I want to talk about the kids, the Hardcore kids!

The kids who seem to be so mean, and rough and tough at the show. The ones who seem to be so confused and scared when they're alone. "I am more secure than I am!" "I want to believe something that I am not." I step from behind my door somehow different than I was before. I like the painted facade I have made, scared and alone, I can push the troubles and pains of life away with just one flick of the wrist, its there and I am gone. So cool, so powerful, so in-control. Please dont peek behind my veil.

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