Friday, May 16, 2003

WOW, like a rock falling from the sky it hit me. I was stunned, there I sat, with my friend, Ivan watching "the terminator" the original, masterpiece starring his majesty Arnold Schwarzenegger. (A beautiful film by the way.) But, the thought that hit me, and epiphony really was "That 'T2' is as good if not better than the original". To really understand the weight, power and signifigance of this statement you would need to realize that I HATE sequals. As a matter of fact I believe the verbatim quote would be, "There are NO sequals that are (the ORIGINAL Star Wars saga aside) as good, or better than the original." Yet still, Within a matter of two minutes I realized my error in this comment, "Terminator 2: judgement day" as well as "Aliens 2," in my opionion can not only compete with their predecessor, but surpass them.

Another good, thought was brought to my attention, "The Godfather 2." But first of all, I have yet to see it and secondly, the revelations made in the first paragraph were enough to keep my head spinning for years. Paradigms are shifting, whole schools of thought are crumbling before my eyes!

No, don't tell me, the Sun really does revolve around the Earth?

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