Sunday, May 11, 2003

Saturdays are great, huh? The alarm clock went off around 9:30 this morning, I rolled over, turned it off, and went back to sleep for another hour. Don't get me wrong, I have stuff to do. Quite a bit in fact, I need to do laundry and go grocery shopping, before going over to my brother Nate's house to hang out with him and my parents. Then after the shindig at my brothers it is off to a blisteringly, crazy night at work! But for now, time can wait, I have something more important to do, sleep, what a wonderful word. So after waking up and showering, I really only had time to go grocery shopping. Good old Wal-Mart. That Sam Walton was really on to somehting! I spent over $50 on groceries today, the most to date that I have ever spent on groceries. I guess that my clothes will just have to wait to be cleaned till another day.

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