Tuesday, April 29, 2003

the electric green glow of my alarm stared me down from the pedestal on which it sits, the smirk on its face seemed to mock my every toss and turn. For it was 2:32 in the morning and I am still awake. I wish I wasnt but, it doesnt seem that I can do much to remedy that fact at this time. Seems like insomnia. I just want to float away to the place where my dreams lie in wait. A better place where the air is clear and the cotton candy grows on trees and the beer and whiky comes tricklin' down the rocks. That is where I want to be. To pass the time, talk to friends, who else is up at an hour like this. Most likely all of my other friends who dont sleep much, that and a couple of vampires, but they are usually out on the town by now.

Ok, now on to other things. The only other burning topic that comes to mind, is one of a cinematograpic kind. It would seem that in a world of seemingly un-endless absurdities, one film production company felt that it would be worth it to steep more coal on the ever-burning heads of our american society. The date, June 6th 2003, a day that should be blotted from the face of the earth and absolved from the record books. The day that a completely rubbish film is released. 2 Fast 2 Furious. As if the first installment in this series wasnt succesful enough at boring any thinking audience to sleep, the geniuses decide to go in for the kill. I mean, who wouldnt pass up an opportunity to see a police officer gone bad, trash his "souped-up" Honda rice-burner, while tearing around turns at a blazing 40 miles per hour!!!!! DANG!! Serioulsy folks, the cars never top the big four-0. Pretty sad isnt it. I guess if any credit is going to given this movie, it would be that the camera man can sure shake a mean camera for optimum speed appearance! Seriously folks, please dont go see this film. Instead, send any money that you would have spent on the movie directly to me. This will be just as entertaining as the film and you will thank me later.

Now go eat your peas!

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