Monday, July 28, 2003

Five words for you. "Seabiscuit"...............................

Any questions.

Wow, Color me silly! A film that I went to simply because I thought it looked inspiring, and the critics had been raving about. A film, that I didn't expect to expect a whole lot out of. A film that almost made me cry.

Amazing. A film that delves into the indominable will of mankind, and the indominable spirit of a horse that dared to fight.

A film with Tobey Mcguire, Chris Cooper and Jeff Bridges and yes, the ecclectic and beautifully so, William H. Macy. All or most give stunning performances. A film set during and post depression era, looking into the lives of a down and out man or 3 of them rather and a horse. A film that shows you how to get back up after you have been knocked down.

Its a small horse, but it puts up a big fight.

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