Thursday, July 24, 2003

Hello everyone, I guess I realized that it has been a while since I threw down one of those fancy 'update letters.' So with that in mind, I have strapped myself into this chair, right here in front of my computer at 3819 Farnam st. and I have vowed to not get up, till I have sent out an update. So, if you would please buckle up and hang on for what promises to me a exhilarating and melancholy ride.

I guess that it has been about 6 months or so since I last update you guys. Shortly after I moved out, am I right? Well, I think that at that time, I had just gotten the job at the Olive Garden. Since then, I have quit there. I think that I was just starting to tell myself that the restaurant business is not the place for me. After 3 brief stints at the China Buffet, Chili's and the Olive Garden, the inconsistent hours, unpredictable people, inconsistent pay rate and the pouty co-workers, I found myself standing on the outside looking in, wishing I wasnt there at all. So, I put all of my mental prowess together and made my exit. I now work at 'PayPal' of Yes, matt has gone "cyber-space" I sit on the computer for 8 hours a day(at an office, not at home) and take care of people and their problems. For those of you who don't know, PayPal is "The world's number one online pay service, we allow anyone with an email address to send money to anyone else with an email address. Its great. A bit of a different company to work for, seeing as how the only product that we market is the information and our service. Its the first company that I have worked for that doesnt have an inventory!

Other than that I have watched a whole bunch of movies since then. Some good, most terrible. Speaking of movies(you may see this as a continuing theme, throughout my life.) But I was an extra in a small omaha based production. Not super exciting, a film called ITK. It is a pretty small, low-budget murder mystery. But you got to start somewhere. I can let y'all know when it comes out on video-tape, if you would so desire. (Speaking of good movies, here my unabashed prop for the movie Amistad, all I have to say is amazing and go watch it, or borrow it from me.)

Other news of not about the past six months. I have jumped out of an airplane twice now. Pretty nuts if you ask me. I mean, the experience of climbing out of an airplane at 3,500 feet is crazy go nuts. I think that the experience would, in a word, be best described as 'intense.' Well, all of that said, I am still, more or less in one piece and I did not pee my pants!

Well, I think that the afore mentioned events, pretty thoroughly sum up the past few months of my life. Although, bowling on wednesday nights will always be a highlight in my mind. If there is anything that I left out, please let me know and I will make up a supplementary update email. So now on to the future.

This fall I will be attending the ostentatious University of Nebraska at Lincoln. WOOooo. Getting out of Omaha in a serious sort of way. While there my major will be Film Studies. So I will probably be watching lots of movies in a serious way. So if you have any recommendations I would be more than interested to hear any or all of them. I will be rooming with my amicable roommate Ivan Lovegren. Such a great guy, so ladies if you are looking to hook up with a good guy, I know his mumber. (just joking he has a girlfriend, but i dont.) So for that, I leave around August the 20th, in case anyone wants to kick it before I go, I might not make it all the way home for a while.

Well, as far as, I go as a person. It has been an interesting six months to say the least. I find myself in a perpetual state of defining myself, re-defining myself and re-undefining myself. I guess we are all in a over-arching search for what Truth is. So with that said, I find myself in wading through the mire of enumerable questions that seem to carry on without end and without answer. However, of one thing I am convinced. If Truth be questioned, and once the dust settles, Truth will still remain standing. (disclaimer: I dont wish to be melodramatic, I do not seek your pity, just letting you know where I am.)

So there we be. My life in the proverbial nutshell, abbreviated.

Any questions?

I love you all. Thanks for being my friends.



"It is not in knowing that we find but in failing that we seek."

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