Saturday, April 07, 2018

i feel the best when I write

for whatever reason, I stopped writing. I don't know why. After, 10 years of being "together", almost 9 of being married. Having been parents for 6. Sitting here in a quite house with the kids at grandpa and grandmas, after a weekend to remember (or forget- you were sick) its easy to forget that at one point I was just me, a person, matt. It's easy to forget to breathe. I've taken up new hobbies, I've plugged and played other things. But when I basically have my college education in putting words on paper that's what I should do. It's been too long. I almost feel a sad reminiscence in the blank white screen and dancing cursor (like an old friend). We'll see how quick I can dust off the cobwebs. I want to be more than ships passing in the night. Want to dance like fireflies. Want to love with strange delight. Honey, I want to be with you. Want to discover all of you. Want you to see all of me. I love you. (and when it takes me too long to formulate a response, just know, I may need a pen.)

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