Saturday, February 14, 2004


So I had this thought a day or so ago or rather, this question(as my thoughts often are.) What is meant by the phrase; "For mature audiences only" or "Adult beverage" or "Adult entertainment" for that matter?

Would these terms seem to imply that there is a point in a persons life at which the state deems them adequate enough, at least in years to partake of aforementioned activities? Sure, I can understand that there is an age of responsibility to which we should hope that the partakee in such events is able to do so in moderation. But still I just find it odd that this would also imply that at this point of maturation it would seem that these activities are not only acceptable, but perhaps even viewed as positive or beneficial in some light. Now, you may and or may not agree with me(alas, it is a free country and I cannot, unfortunatley expect, let alone demand 100% approval of my thoughts) but some if not all of these activities are harmful or at least potentially harmful. Where's the logic in that? I just don't see it.

Ok, now for the sake of saving face, not that it neccesarily need be saved, I cannot say that I have been a perfect choir boy when it comes to participation in all of these areas(I turned 21 a week ago and yes, I have had two beers since then, woopty-freaking-doo!) I guess in the end I just find it funny that for some strange reason there has been an age limit established for these various activities and when they are to be allowed or disallowed.