Thursday, February 19, 2004

Dropping the label

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet."

--From Romeo and Juliet

What is in a name? Our culture has gotten so caught up in labels and quick categorizations that it has blotted out any breath of individuality. Our "progressive" culture has grown a Rolodex mindset, and as such we want answers here and now, answers that we can cordon off for later use should the situation so fit our convenience. We have litterally become walking post-it note pads, able to spout off volumes of near-useless knowledge at a moments notice. For more on this thought please read the review on Memento.

This worries me for the thought of becoming momentary. Walking along with a friend they were able to list of the sterotype of some different people they had never met; "Artist. Pot-head. Jock. Sorority chick. This worries me for the sake of people feeling judged, for the label to stick. Some part of me wishes that we could entirely remove adjectives from our repertoire.

A label is a convenience and one that has been taken none to seriously.

So what if I drop a label that has been tied to me for so long? Does it make me any less of the person that I was before?

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