Tuesday, February 17, 2004

So hey everybody! In case none of you recalls this email address it is your friendly neighborhood Matt Harrell. The reason for my writing is that I realized I haven't sent out an update email to the bulk of you in some time now and I just want to make sure that you all know that precise details of what goes in my life. So please double check to make sure that your tray table and seatback are in their upright position. Please note that the "no-smoking" sign is illuminated, so that means that regardless of how worn out you get along the ride, there is no smoking allowed, so hold on!

So the past few months of my life have been most exciting. Of recent event, I was in Omaha for Christmas. That was a lot of fun, a great time of re-engaging with friends and family and more than that it was a great time to relax. As far as grades and stuff first semester were really good, all A's and B's.

Since then classes have been going well, busy and quite a bit of work but good. I am taking Geology 101, Contemporary Math, English Composition, Theatre Tech and Principles of Design for Theatre and Film. But for some reason I do feel that I have either told all or at least most of you that already.

From there we continue on to a few weeks ago when I am proud to say I have succesfully turned 21! Which you all know what that means?!?!?!? It means, more less that Im 21. There hasn't been much difference except for the fact that in the event that I wanted to I could purchase the occasional refreshing beverage.

So yeah, other than that, not alot, I have been working a number of hours in our theatres scene shop as a requirement for our Theatre Tech class. That included about 20 hours at a light hang this past weekend that was a number of hours in just a short period of time.

So yeah, thats about it, I do realize that my email updates are a bit scatterbrain and unpredictable, but I would encourage you all to check out my website, which I update more frequently. Not always with strict reflections on my days and activities, but also with just random thoughts and ideas, so yeah. Check it out.




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