Thursday, April 17, 2008

So, right now, as of April 17th 2008, I have never interviewed for a job that I have not gotten. I only bring this up because that may all change tommorow. If you have not heard, I have applied and interviewed with Teach for America.

If accepted I will need to choose in very rapid order whether or not I am going to accept the position and location offered, and if not what am I going to do otherwise. I guess, if I choose otherwise it wont need to be so quick, but putting it that way makes it seem more dramatic. I have put my preferences as LA, Houston, Kansas City and Memphis I guess we'll find out tommorow.

I'll be honest, I am fairly nervous. With that being said, I am not banking on getting the position. I have seen how those expectations have worked out for others in the past. If I get it, great, if not great. If not, I'll develop another plan of being able to share love/opportunity with others.

So I guess we'll see what happens, and after tommorow I'll start to formulate a plan for "whats next." Time is NOT money, and I am in no rush. After a few months of feeling like I've been waiting for this decision it will be nice to finally have an answer one way or another.

Either way, I'll let you know.

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