Sunday, April 06, 2008

Value - the struggle and surrender of self-worth.

I'll be honest (and if you're the first person reading this you'll be the first to know - and you should leave a comment to tell me so.) that I really like the song You're Beautiful by James Blunt.

"You're beautiful, You're beautiful,
You're beautiful, it's true."

I know you've all heard the song. I also really like the song Daughters
by John Mayer. I'll provide the link to the full lyrics here.

Now while neither of these songs are absolute favorites of mine, what they communicate is amazing. Value, worth, esteem, honor, respect. So many things that are not readily communicated in society.

I've heard it said before that; The chief end of man is to know and be known. (if you know the actual quote please let me know.) I am convinced that so much of our time and energy here on Earth are spent chasing after these things. Cars, business, clothing, success, money, promotions. The music we listen to, the apartment or house we live in, the people we hang out with.

This morning I tied a tie for the first time. I had an interview up on North Michigan ave. and needed to look fancy. After the interview I needed to use the restroom and the place next door was Neiman Marcus, so I headed in. Wandering the floors to find the place I wondered to myself whether or not I would be accepted in this place if I were not wearing a suit and tie. Everyone was in slacks or better, the only pair of jeans was on a soccer-mom who looked like she'd taken a wrong turn. Why is it that putting on a tie gave me the status of being able to be in this store?

Walking out the door ten-steps down the side-walk there was a homeless man begging. I wondered whether or not he'd be accepted in Neiman Marcus. How's that for a dichotomy?

If I could tell everyone in the world one thing it would be that they are beautiful. Valuable. Important. Unique and Loved, and nothing they could do would change that.

Where do we derive our worth from? If we truly are suppose to be "in the world but not of the world." Then why are we so concerned about what the world thinks of us.

"This world has nothing for me,
This world has everything,
all that I could want
and nothing that I need.
-This World, Caedmon's Call

If there is one thing that I could tell you it would be that you are valuable and that nothing you do could change that. If there were one thing I could ask you to do is to not try to prop up your self-worth, but to in turn realize the hurting world around you and seek with all your heart, mind and soul to build up the worth of others.

I remember my mother when I was a wee little lad telling me that I was a special, unique individual. Perhaps it is because of those words that I can say these words today. I've been through the lows of depression, loneliness and doubting self-worth and I know that it sucks. I see others there every day and I want to say to them, climb on my back and I'll carry you or better yet, put your arm around me and we'll walk, hobble - broken together.

I was very thankful to find out that the office where I interviewed today was casual (Jeans!) and not a suit and tie (Its hard to bike in formal wear.) You don't need to find your value in what clothes you wear, what car you drive or even those who are around you. Be. Just be. Valuable, beautiful, loved, a gift - and lets seek to build that feeling in others.


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